Bumper stickers on Ferraris

We don’t ever see bumper stickers on Ferraris.

We know why.

We don’t have to even be car guys to recognize they are beautiful. 

As is.

Nothing else needed.

Intuitively, this is why we question women with tattoos. It’s ugly on you, regardless what it is. 
That and the cute butterfly tends to morph into a pterodactyl over the years.

Yes, there is always grace but better to heed a word of truth regarding this. It will be difficult to find an older woman who is proud of her ink and even fewer men who think the same.

Ladies, don’t do it. We are attracted to you by design and at bottom, we question your past and decision making. 
If you have tattoo(s), cover them up or better yet, have them removed.

(Save the “yeah, buts”. We all understand tattoos are part of certain cultures in a few parts of the world and these exceptions prove the rule. Doing this in your mind is an exercise in missing the point.)

Unfortunately, the last 3 decades in the States have seen another forced culture creation in the rise of women with tattoos. 




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