Dependence day

No better time like now. 
We have been dependent on our escapes from our reality for far, far too long. 
A man’s life, regardless of timeline in the world, is… 

Full of trials, sometimes completely out of our control. 
Jobs, finances, relationships, health, faith, etc. 

And yet, rewarding. 
If we shoulder the load God has given us. 
He will provide all the strength we need. Next best supplement after that is other men to lift you up when you are tired…just like Aaron and Hur did for Moses. 
It’s a great example from the Old Testament on the harsh realities of life.
If Moses was struggling under the load God had given him, what are the odds Moses wouldn’t struggle under the loads we face today. 
And yet, he had other men, right beside him, to lift him up, support him through the battle, not to escape from it. People were counting on him.
That is what so many of us are missing in our lives and it’s not something easily corrected. We can’t just go out and pickup a trustworthy friend on the same path as us. 

We find our escapes, or often, Satan puts them in our path. 
Pick your poison or for some of us, pick them all. 
Each of us know what is our drug of choice and we know that is an escape, running from our current reality, avoiding doing the hard things in life. It isn’t that we plan on failing again. Often, we struggle under the load and run. If only we had a couple of guys around us to walk with us through our battles.

Men, this is something we can correct. Imagine the peace of mind and renewed strength of heart we’d experience if we were to have  that in our lives and be able to offer it to them in return.

This is a key component for us to focus on for personal growth and one that we can control.
We don’t have to wait for someone to reach out to us, we don’t have to wait for church to provide it. We made friends in grade school, make friends now, see if they are down with growing up. You might already have a friend and neither of you have challenged each other.

No better time than now.


Don’t quit. Don’t ever, ever quit.

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