Return of Men

Dependence day

No better time like now. We have been dependent on our escapes from our reality for far, far too long. A man’s life, regardless of timeline in the world, is…  Hard. Painful.Challenging. Overwhelming. Full of...

Dependence day

No better time like now. We have been dependent on our escapes from our reality for far, far too long. A man’s life, regardless of timeline in the world, is…  Hard. Painful.Challenging. Overwhelming. Full of...

What if?

What if we stopped having all church services built around a women’s retreat/conference theme and started teaching males how to be men? 

What if?

What if we stopped having all church services built around a women’s retreat/conference theme and started teaching males how to be men? 

Impressing God

Pro tip…regardless what they say, women DO NOT want to be the focus of your existence.

Impressing God

Pro tip…regardless what they say, women DO NOT want to be the focus of your existence.

Bumper stickers on Ferraris

Intuitively, this is why we question women with tattoos. It’s ugly on you, regardless what it is. 

Bumper stickers on Ferraris

Intuitively, this is why we question women with tattoos. It’s ugly on you, regardless what it is. 


No matter how big our mountain is men, let’s start climbing. Physical fitness our mountain?…we can start with 1 push-up , even if we have to start with our knees...


No matter how big our mountain is men, let’s start climbing. Physical fitness our mountain?…we can start with 1 push-up , even if we have to start with our knees...

Man-bashing pastors

“Men are dumb” ”Ladies, you don’t need no man, men you need to get married” ”men, you’re waiting around for a 10 when you’re probably a 4.2”

Man-bashing pastors

“Men are dumb” ”Ladies, you don’t need no man, men you need to get married” ”men, you’re waiting around for a 10 when you’re probably a 4.2”