Man-bashing pastors

“Men are dumb”

”Ladies, you don’t need no man, men you need to get married”

”men, you’re waiting around for a 10 when you’re probably a 4.2”

All of the above are direct quotes from the “TEACHING” pastor of a multi campus church, all statements made within 2min of each other during a sermon series on a woman’s role in the church. 
This pastor started the church over 25yrs ago and has been preaching there ever since. He sounds like the TV.

So many truths to share about this male and his statements, will probably be a series of posts.


First, the series was on women and their role in church so taking shots at men in general is the first tell that this male is not a man and did so only for cheap girlboss points for the crowd.

Men are God’s creation, he is a fool to disparage them.

The entire world tears people down to lift others up, it should never be so in the church. There is no greater need in this world than for actual men to repopulate every avenue in life.

His statements are demonstrably false and contradict each other, another sign that he is lying and has nothing of value to say to or about men.

What man, young or old, comes back to a church when the only other male figure in his life besides his father, does nothing but take cheap shots at him?

This male has nothing to offer men as far as direction and encouragement go, no ability to teach men about women.

A two year search of his churches messages produced 2 specifically geared to women, a full 6 part series on women and….0 messages about men.

All of this is no suprise, and unfortunately, a common issue in church. Males in leadership at church and in attendance often have no idea what a man is, have a failing marriage and garbage relationship with kids. How can he teach another male how to become a man? 
Truth is, they don’t. They make ignorant statements like this pastor and then hide behind “I was just joking.”

Men, young and old, hear this garbage from a pastor and if they are married, often ignore it and mentally check out as they know at least their attendance at a local church is honoring God. Single men just check out period and don’t come back.

For any males in church leadership at any level, if this is your approach, don’t waste any time wondering why men won’t come, or stay, at church. Smart men don’t argue with fools according to the Bible so don’t expect them to talk with you about it. Don’t speak about men until you’ve started to become one. 

Start today, your life depends on it and if your married with kids, your entire families life depends on you growing up.

Men, lets find someone, anyone to help us mature as men, grow spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and financially all throughout our lives. Pray for the men in your church leadership, they struggle, often bitterly, behind closed doors, the proof is in the myriad of sermons like the one above.

Don’t quit, Don’t quit, don’t ever, ever quit.




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