
No matter how big our mountain is men, let’s start climbing.

Physical fitness our mountain?…we can start with 1 push-up , even if we have to start with our knees on the ground. Doesn’t matter, don’t care, it is possible if we commit to change, exert discipline in this area of our lives.


Overweight?…let’s start with 3 great exercises literally any man can do. The fork put down, the table push away and the drink more water. Clearly there are many other components to weight loss but this, as in all of these examples, is what we absolutely need to do first if we ever want to change.

Exhausted?…let’s turn off the TV, put down our phones and rack out early enough to get 8 hours of sleep. Cut out the caffeine after 1pm. Work nights? Flip this schedule and get a set of blackout curtains for your room and earplugs. Sleep is critical to recovery, muscle growth and energy for the next day.

Whatever we need to do, we will never get there unless we start.


Dont quit, Don’t quit, don’t ever, ever quit.

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